Discover Your Rosacea Triggers: A Dermatologist's Guide

Jul 26, 2024
Rosacea is a chronic skin condition — but identifying your rosacea triggers is the first step to controlling flare-ups and enjoying clearer skin. This guide will help you understand common rosacea triggers so you can start managing them effectively.

About 16 million Americans have rosacea, a chronic skin condition characterized by facial redness, visible blood vessels, and sometimes bumps or pustules. It can be unsightly and uncomfortable, but it can be controlled with the right care.

Our dermatology team at Advanced Laser and Skin Cancer Center specializes in rosacea treatment — and clear skin starts by understanding your rosacea triggers.

Common rosacea triggers

Anyone can get rosacea. It’s most common in women over age 30 with fair skin and those who have family members with rosacea.

The exact cause of rosacea is unknown, but various environmental and lifestyle factors can trigger or exacerbate its symptoms. Identifying and managing these triggers is the best way to control rosacea flare-ups and maintain clear, healthy skin. 

Common triggers include:

  • Sun exposure: Ultraviolet (UV) rays can dilate blood vessels, causing increased redness and flare-ups
  • Extreme temperatures: Heat makes your blood vessels expand, while cold can make them constrict and then rapidly expand when you warm up
  • Stress: Emotional stress can make your body release chemicals that trigger inflammation and redness
  • Diet: Certain foods and beverages, like spicy foods, alcohol, and hot drinks, can trigger rosacea flare-ups
  • Skin care products: Harsh skin care products containing alcohol, fragrances, or other irritants can worsen rosacea symptoms
  • Physical exertion: Intense exercise increases your body temperature and blood flow, which can cause flare-ups

Rosacea triggers vary from person to person, so it’s important to identify what specifically affects your skin.

How to identify your rosacea triggers

Discovering your specific rosacea triggers is the first step to effectively managing the condition. Our team is here to help you better understand rosacea, and we can help you identify your triggers, too.

We may recommend keeping a diary, where you track your daily activities, diet, skin care routine, and environmental factors. Note rosacea flare-ups when they happen. Over time, patterns may emerge, helping you identify specific triggers.

If you suspect certain foods or beverages are triggers, try eliminating them from your diet for a few weeks and observe any changes in your symptoms. Gradually reintroduce them one at a time to determine their impact on your skin.

Finally, be careful about the products you put on your skin. Introduce new skin care products one at a time, allowing a few weeks between each addition. This will help you identify any products that may be irritating your skin.

Managing rosacea triggers

Once you've identified your triggers, you can take steps to minimize their impact on your skin. Lifestyle changes, like using a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30, avoiding extreme temperatures, and proactively managing stress, can make a big difference.

We can also offer personalized advice and recommend medical treatments for more severe rosacea. Topical or oral medications, laser therapy, or light-based treatments can help control rosacea flare-ups when lifestyle changes aren’t enough. Regular follow-ups can also help you stay on track with your skin care regimen and make any necessary adjustments.

Discovering and managing your rosacea triggers is the best way to control this chronic condition and get clearer, more comfortable skin. Not sure where to start? Contact us and get the expertise of a dermatologist to guide you on your journey to better skin health.

Call our Teaneck, New Jersey, office at 201-836-9696 or book an appointment online today.